In recent years, a growing movement has been toward businesses prioritizing social and environmental impact alongside financial profit.  One such type of business is the benefit corporation, a legal designation that allows companies to pursue both their profit and social and environmental objectives. 

This article will examine how benefit corporation work and what advantages they offer to companies and society.

What is a Benefit Corporation?

A benefit corporation, also known as a B corp, is a type of for-profit business that is legally required to consider the impact of its decisions on not just its shareholders but also on its employees, the community, and the environment.

To become a benefit corporation, a company must have a social or environmental purpose written into its incorporation articles.

It must also meet certain transparency and accountability standards, such as reporting on its social and environmental impact annually and receiving regular third-party assessments to ensure it meets its goals.

How do Benefit Corporations Work?

Benefit corporations operate in much the same way as traditional for-profit businesses, with the key difference being their legal obligations to prioritize social and environmental goals alongside financial ones. This means that benefit corporations are held to a higher standard of accountability and transparency than traditional businesses.

One way that benefits corporations to achieve their social and environmental goals is by adopting sustainable business practices. For example, a benefit corporation might prioritize using renewable energy, reduce waste and carbon footprint, or support fair labor practices. Additionally, benefit corporations often engage in community outreach and give back to their local communities through charitable donations or volunteer work.

Advantages of Benefit Corporations:

There are many advantages to becoming a benefit corporation for both the company and society as a whole. Here are some of the key benefits:

Increased Public Trust and Brand Reputation:

One of the most significant advantages of being a Benefit corporation is that it can increase public trust and brand reputation. Customers increasingly seek businesses that prioritize social and environmental impact alongside profits.

Legal Protection for Social and Environmental Goals:

Benefit corporations offer legal protection for companies prioritizing social and environmental goals. By including these goals in their articles of incorporation, benefit corporations are legally bound to consider the impact of their decisions on stakeholders beyond just their shareholders. This protection can help prevent shareholder lawsuits and other legal challenges.

Access to Funding and Investment:

Benefit corporations can also have an advantage in accessing funding and investment as many investors are increasingly interested in socially responsible investments. Additionally, some states offer tax incentives to Benefit corporations.

Positive Impact on Society and the Environment:

The most significant advantage of Benefit corporations is the positive impact they can have on society and the environment, as they help address some of the most pressing challenges facing our world today, such as climate change, social inequality, and environmental degradation.

Challenges of Benefit Corporations:

While there are many advantages to being a benefit corporation, there are also some challenges that companies may face. Here are a few of the most common challenges:

Legal Complexity:

Becoming a benefit corporation can be complex, requiring companies to meet specific legal requirements and undergo regular third-party assessments. This legal complexity can be daunting for some companies, especially smaller ones.

Increased Reporting and Compliance:

Because they are legally required to report on their social and environmental impact, benefit corporations may need to invest more time and resources into data collection, analysis, and reporting than traditional businesses. This can be a significant burden for startups with limited resources.

Limited Legal Protection:

If a company fails to meet its social and environmental goals, it could still face legal action from shareholders or other stakeholders despite benefit corporations offering legal protection for social and environmental goals.

Perceived Conflict with Profit Goals:

While Benefit corporations are legally required to consider the impact of their decisions on stakeholders beyond just their shareholders, they are still for-profit businesses that need to generate revenue to survive. Some investors and stakeholders may worry that the social and environmental goals of Benefit corporations could detract from their financial success.


Benefit corporations are for-profit businesses prioritizing social and environmental goals alongside financial ones. They offer many advantages but come with challenges, as discussed above. Benefit corporations can be a powerful tool for creating a more sustainable and equitable world. Still, companies adopting this legal structure require careful consideration and commitment.