Your commercial facility is more than just a physical location for your business operations; it symbolizes your professionalism and commitment to excellence. One key aspect of this infrastructure that often slips under the radar is the roof – a silent sentinel braving the elements, protecting everything beneath it. As integral as it is to your property, it also requires regular upkeep and Commercial Roof maintenance.

A worn-out roof can lead to a plethora of issues, from decreased productivity due to uncomfortable working conditions to costly repairs that can eat into your budget. Therefore, recognizing the warning signs of a roof in need of repair becomes critical. 

This comprehensive manual will walk you through these telltale signs, providing you with the knowledge you need to maintain a safe, comfortable, and efficient workspace.

Hiring an extra hand:

Atlanta, Georgia’s bustling capital, is teeming with diverse architecture and rich history. Known for its sizzling summers and mild winters, the city experiences its fair share of weather extremes. Precipitation can be heavy, particularly during the summer months. 

According to the U.S. Climate Data, Atlanta receives a norm of 50 inches of rainfall per year, which is remarkably higher than the national average. This high rainfall can take a toll on commercial roofing systems, necessitating frequent maintenance and repairs. 

As a business owner, this level of upkeep can be challenging to manage single-handedly, thus the need for professional assistance. In such situations, your search for the best Atlanta Roofing Company near me can lead you to skilled professionals equipped to handle the specific challenges posed by Atlanta’s climate, ensuring your commercial roof’s longevity and efficiency.

Damaged Flashing:

In a commercial roof, the devil is indeed in the details. Flashing is a prime example. This thin material, usually metal, is installed wherever your roof surface meets a vertical plane like a wall, a vent, or around skylights. It acts like a knight in shining armor, preventing water from infiltrating these vulnerable junctures. 

But, like all knights, flashing can sustain damage over time. If your flashing appears damaged, cracked, or has gone AWOL, it’s akin to opening your fortress gates to a siege by rainwater. This can result in water intrusion, eventually leading to substantial damage to your roof structure.

Surging Energy Bills: 

Do you find yourself startled by your business’ escalating energy costs? Well, the culprit might be right above you. Your roof plays an influential role in your building’s energy efficiency by acting as a barrier against heat transfer. 

Defective insulation or ventilation can lead to hot air seeping out during winters or cool air escaping in the summers, forcing your HVAC systems to work in overdrive. This inefficient functioning leads to a rise in energy consumption and places undue stress on your systems.

Leaking or Water Damage:

Water has an uncanny ability to find its way into the smallest crevices, causing damage over time. As such, an unexplained watermark on your ceiling or walls should never be dismissed lightly, as it often signals a leaking roof. 

This leakage could be due to aging materials, damaged flashing, or even structural issues with the roof. 

Alongside water stains, other symptoms of water damage can include damp spots, mildew, or the sudden appearance of mold. 

It’s crucial to remember that water follows the path of least resistance. So, while the leak may originate from your roof, the actual sign of damage might surface somewhere else within the building.

Interior Changes: 

Changes in your building’s interior may seem unrelated to roofing issues at first glance. However, a closer look can reveal that they are quite indicators of substantial external problems. 

Dramatic transformations such as peeling paint, and warping of walls and floors, especially on the upper levels, often trace back to roofing faults. 

These seemingly innocuous signs might be a sign of water leakage from the roof, inadequate ventilation, or poor insulation, causing havoc inside out. 

Blisters and Bubbles on the Roof:

Blisters or bubbles on your commercial roof can be likened to a silent alarm – a deceptive appearance of a simple issue concealing underlying havoc. 

Bubbles form due to moisture getting trapped under the roofing material, which can cause the layers to separate and potentially create entry points for water. 

Neglecting this issue could lead to more significant, costly damage, such as compromised structural integrity. 

Regularly surveying your roof for such signs and addressing them promptly can help protect your investment and guarantee the continued operation of your business.

Sagging of roof:

A sagging roof deck is a glaring sign of potential trouble. While roofs are designed to bear a certain amount of weight, from snow and rain to even the roofing system, sagging can occur due to structural issues or excessive moisture. 

Long-term water damage, for example, can compromise the structural integrity of the deck material, leading to a ‘sag’ over time. 

This is not only ugly but also dangerous, endangering the safety of the building and its people. 

A sagging roof is a serious matter and warrants immediate professional attention to prevent possible roof collapse and ensure the safety of your commercial property.

Pooling or ponding water:

Flat commercial roofs are designed with a subtle slope to facilitate proper drainage. However, if you observe persistent pools of water accumulating post-rain, it may signal a drainage issue or an irregularity in the roof’s surface. 

Over time, these seemingly innocuous ‘ponds’ can exacerbate the wear and tear on your roof, potentially leading to leaks or serious structural damage. 

Growing Vegetation:

In a surprising twist of nature, your roof may become an unintended green space. The growth of moss, fungi, or even small plants on your roof may seem innocent or even picturesque, but it’s a red flag that demands your attention.

These organisms indicate trapped moisture and inadequate drainage, creating a thriving environment for their growth. Over time, their roots can infiltrate and degrade roofing materials, leading to more severe damage like leaks.

Aging Roof:

Aging isn’t just a concern for living organisms; it matters for your roof too. As your roof closes at the end of its expected lifespan, which can be 20-30 years for many commercial roofing types, it’s prudent to be extra vigilant. 

This aging can lead to a material breakdown, diminished efficiency, and an increased likelihood of leaks or structural issues.


If you observe any of these alarming signs, it’s crucial to take action promptly. Hiring a professional roofing contractor to review your roof can help identify the problem areas and devise a suitable repair or replacement plan. Regular inspection and maintenance can significantly extend your roof’s lifespan, saving your business from costly damage and disruptions.