Whether you take online tests at school or work, they can be difficult to pass. These tips will help you study for and take your next online exams with ease!

Before the test, make sure your computer and Internet are working well. If you are allowed to look up information during the test, save a copy of your answers in Word or on another browser so you don’t lose them if there is a technical problem.

1. Go over your notes:

Even though online exams are usually “open book,” it’s important to have a solid understanding of the material so you can find information quickly. This is especially true for essay questions.

Also, be sure to take the test in a private space where you can maintain a strong and stable internet connection. This way, if there is a technical issue, you won’t lose your answers.

2. Go over your notes again:

Many students treat online tests like in-person online exams.

They prepare, take a practice test or cheat sheet (if permitted), and go into the exam expecting to finish in a finite amount of time.

Make sure your students understand that online testing is different from in-person exam taking. Reduce anxiety by clearly communicating test rules and instructions beforehand.

Including information such as how long they have to respond to each question, if the exam is open or closed book, etc.

3. Talk to a friend:

Before taking online exams, make sure you know the test requirements and guidelines. This will help you avoid confusion and frustration during the exam.

Ensure that you have an isolated testing space with a stable internet connection. Ideally, this should be an enclosed room where friends or family cannot interrupt you and where your computer will not monopolize internet bandwidth by streaming videos or playing games.

4. Ask your teacher for pointers:

Online exams do not always resemble the standardized tests from your K-12 days. They can vary in format, structure and questioning style.

If your instructor provides a sample exam, look at it to familiarize yourself with the question type and time allocation. Consider if you can go back or skip questions and what the essay question order is. Check the clock at intervals.

5. Review your notes:

Taking notes is essential to studying and learning. It helps students retain information by writing a summary of key points in their own words, leaving space to add other notes, and marking important ideas with symbols or abbreviations.

It’s also important to practice using the test-taking software or platform with a timed quiz or sample exam. This will help alleviate stress during the actual test and focus attention on the content.

6. Make flashcards:

Students may find it helpful to make flash cards either on paper or using a digital platform. They can also test themselves during this process which is a great way to self-refresh their knowledge before the exam.

However, don’t cram too many points on the card to maximize space. The most effective flashcards have one question and one answer (or one term and one definition). Use the spaced repetition technique.

7. Create a study schedule:

Online exams require careful planning and creating a study schedule is one of the most important steps. It can help you organize your time and ensure that you don’t miss any important concepts.

To create your study schedule, divide your available time into study blocks and assign each block to a subject. Then, make sure to stick to your schedule! You can also try using different study tactics, such as retrieval practice, interleaving, or spaced practice.

8. Create a study environment:

Online exams are convenient, but they can be difficult to take in a distracting environment. Make sure that you have a quiet place where you can focus and that your internet connection is reliable.

Also, create a separate browser tab for your exam and for searching for information (if allowed). That way, you can avoid accidentally closing your test and losing your answers.

9. Prepare for the exam:

When preparing for online exams, it is important to understand the format of the exam and how it will be timed. For example, will the exam be multiple choice, fill in the blanks, essay style, or a combination?

Also, make sure that your computer meets the system requirements for the exam. Finally, be sure to check out the exam guidelines to avoid any last-minute issues!

10. Take a break:

Taking breaks throughout your study session can help you maintain focus and motivation. During your breaks, choose activities that are restful for both your mind and body.

This might include a nap, cleaning your house or having a conversation with someone. However, try not to use your break as a way to procrastinate! These activities can be relaxing for some students, but they can be difficult to return to studying after.