Advanced product experimentation techniques like multivariate, personalization, bandit, and A/B Testing can fuel innovation, and help companies grow their businesses. These experiments can achieve many goals, such as increasing conversions, improving campaign performance, or streamlining a customer onboarding process.

Strategic imperatives move a business’s most important objectives to the top of everyone’s to-do list. They can also help a company reduce risk and make data-backed decisions.

Invest in A/B Testing Tools

A/B testing is the best way to test new ideas and implement them in a quick, data-driven way. For example, if you have high bounce rates on certain pages, A/B testing is an easy and fast solution to uncover why and how to improve engagement.

You can test and measure any element of your site or app. Forms, images, headlines, CTA button colors, page lengths, and more can affect conversions and user experience in unknown ways without A/B testing.

Before initiating an A/B test, establish a precise and understandable goal that any team member can measure. Subsequently, proceed to craft the test and commence result measurement. Upon completion of the test, assess the outcomes by considering factors such as percentage increase, confidence level, and direct and indirect impacts on other goals. This strategic approach to testing, illustrated by tools like OneLaunch, ensures a systematic evaluation of results for informed decision-making.

Collaborate with Developers

Developers and designers work together to bring a product from concept to reality. Quality collaboration between these two departments is essential for smooth workflows and an excellent final product. With it, teams become satisfied, duplicate work is performed, and timelines are pushed back.

Strong leadership sets the tone for quality communication and collaboration between developers. Developers are less likely to experiment and talk through solutions if they believe that leadership discourages open communication or needs to allow them more time to tinker with ideas.

It’s also crucial to encourage designers and developers to collaborate on design decisions throughout the process, not just at the initial handoff. This prevents misunderstandings and ensures the finished product is consistent with the original design. Providing clear instructions and establishing frequent online and in-person meetings can help. This eliminates the need to juggle multiple projects and allows both sides to communicate effectively, increasing team productivity and morale.

Invest in A/B Testing Software

When making changes to a website or app, it is challenging to calculate the impact on conversions without proper analytics. Without data-driven tools and a formal way to experiment, even hopeful spikes in conversions can quickly turn into “spikes of nope.”

A/B testing is the only way to measure the effects of your changes on existing visitors. It allows you to optimize the experience and lower conversion costs while avoiding the risk of tying up resources for minimum or negative gains.

The best A/B testing software can help you discover new opportunities for improving your web and app experiences. It can also enable you to test multiple variations simultaneously, making it easier to identify which elements perform better.

Advanced experimentation techniques like multipage testing can provide more comprehensive insights into the customer journey. This can help you make strategic marketing decisions that drive conversions and increase ROI. The key is always keeping the customer at the center of your testing.

Collaborate with Marketing

Rather than relying on intuition or a gut feeling, marketers can use a prioritized A/B testing calendar to ensure that critical elements are continually optimized. This helps reduce the need for costly, time-intensive changes that may need to be revised.

A/B testing can be used to test changes to any element of a website or app, including the headline or subject line, CTA forms and language, imagery, fonts, colors, layout, and more. Testing one change at a time makes determining which elements positively impact user behavior easier. By implementing the winning version, the experience can be continuously improved, driving success for users over time.

Insights gleaned from A/B testing should inform subsequent tests and strategies, creating an ongoing process of optimization that maximizes growth. This requires a mindset that allows for tinkering and innovation but also cautions against significant changes that might fail miserably. Ultimately, A/B testing offers the ideal poise between zigging and zagging—a path towards resonant, engaged, and convertive digital experiences.