Education is valued by most people and societies. It’s the key to a solid career where one can earn a good living and be fulfilled by doing something that is enjoyable and matters. Education can also help people become knowledgeable and productive citizens who contribute to their communities, states, and the nation.

Attending a university has traditionally been expensive, requiring many students to apply for grants or take out loans. It also meant attending classes at buildings on campuses. Thanks to computers and the internet, many degrees can be earned from the comfort of one’s own home by online college.

The number of online colleges and students taking classes has risen dramatically over the last decade. Online education has also become more affordable.

The Growth of Online Learning:

The increase in the number of online college or internet college-level courses has led to many budget friendly online schools. The beginning was in 1982 when the Western Behavioral Sciences Institute launched a distance-learning program for business executives using computer conferencing.

As better technology and software developed, more and more universities began creating programs for students to earn degrees online. In 2002, MIT began offering free courses to people all over the globe through its OpenCourseWare Project. Today, even prestigious schools like Harvard and Stanford offer many online degree programs. 

Advantages of Online College: 

There are many advantages to taking college courses online as opposed to attending a brick-and-mortar university. Certainly, the Covid-19 pandemic played a role in education from home but these advantages will ensure that online learning continues its growth. 

The main advantage is time and schedule. For working people, fitting in classes around jobs and caring for a family can be difficult in a traditional university setting. Online students can view lectures and read materials in their free time, whenever that may be. In-class discussions are held on message boards that can be accessed 24 hours a day.

For students who are shy and uncomfortable speaking out in a live class in front of their peers, online learning offers the advantage of being able to participate with a degree of anonymity in the comfort of their own homes. They also can take the time to decide what they want to say and how they want to say it. 

Online classes use algorithms that recognize patterns in the learning styles of students. This enables the programs to tailor the courses to each student’s style and maximize their success.

Affordability of Online College:

Perhaps the greatest advantage of attending online college is the affordability. E-books and other course materials are often free and are certainly far less expensive than traditional books. There are no commuting or housing costs and with lower operating expenditures, online college can offer far lower tuition costs than their on-campus counterparts. As the number of online programs goes, competition lowers the costs of education further.

Getting an education and earning a degree can help land a solid career and enjoy a good quality of life. Online education continues to grow and for many people is the most viable option for attaining the education they seek.