Smartphones have become a normal part of your everyday lives. They’re everywhere—at work, in the classroom, and even at home. But how much do you know about how these devices are affecting your life? To help you better understand the impact of a modern smartphone on modern life, they’ve compiled some statistics and studies that might be surprising:

Smartphones have made your lives more manageable and efficient:

One of the most important benefits of smartphones is the ability to manage your lives and get things done. They make it easier for you to keep track of your schedules, communicate with friends and family, share photos and videos online, read newspapers while commuting home from work, pay bills online, research information on the internet or in books if you need it—you name it!

You can access almost anything you want right on your phones: information about any subject imaginable; entertainment that includes music, movies, TV shows and games; weather forecasts; directions around town; news updates from around the world (if you’re into that sort of thing). As well as all these benefits, there are also some important drawbacks too, which they’ll discuss below.

Smartphones make you constantly available:

In the past, you could go to bed at night without worrying that someone would be trying to reach you. Nowadays, there’s always the possibility that someone will call you or text you at any time of the day. The average smartphone user answers almost 90% of their calls within three rings. As a result, they’re constantly available in a way that has yet to be true since before cell phones were invented.

It can be a distraction:

They can detract from your ability to be present at the moment and experience the world around you in all of its splendor, beauty and wonder. If you’re sitting at a restaurant with your family or friends, they might seem like they’re listening to what you have to say, but really, they’re just waiting for an opening so that they can get back to their phone. It also means that when it comes time for bed at night, you may find yourself lying awake staring at your phone instead of sleeping soundly beside your significant other.

Adobe Acrobat professionals say, “Today’s smartphones are about 5,000 times faster and have democratized technology for every person around.”

Smartphones could harm your social health:

Smartphones are a distraction and can make you less empathetic and more antisocial, as well as less social.

  • Smartphones can cause you to be more antisocial. When someone is looking at their phone or texting during a meal, it’s obvious that they are distracted by the people around them. This makes the other people feel uncomfortable and not invited into the conversation.
  • Smartphones can make you less empathetic by reducing your ability to read facial expressions. You don’t know what someone else is feeling because you’re too busy staring at your screens or watching cat videos on YouTube.
  • Smartphones also make you more selfish because it is easy for you to take photos of yourselves and post them online without your friends’ consent (which isn’t cool).

Despite all the negative aspects of smartphones, you can’t deny that they have some positive impacts on modern life. For instance, smartphones are great for communication because you can now communicate with people from all over the world and not just within your own city or town.