If you are looking for a pair of glasses that can help you get a good night’s sleep, consider some of the benefits of wearing blocking glasses. While they can only solve some of your vision issues, they are a great option that is out of reach for most people.

Blue light glasses might slow or prevent age-related macular degeneration:

The question has been raised whether blue light glasses could help prevent or slow age-related macular degeneration (AMD). This type of eye disease causes blurry, empty spots in the central vision. These blank areas are challenging to read and make objects appear dull.

While blue light from the sun is not considered a risk factor, constant exposure to blue light from electronic devices may be. Studies have shown that these light waves can accelerate the development of AMD.

People who work at night or use computers for a long time may consider wearing glasses that filter out some of the blue light. Those glasses will help reduce eye strain and may also protect the retinas.

Although some doctors recommend using blue light-blocking glasses for sleep, current evidence does not show that it will prevent or slow AMD. According to the AMDF, however, there is no current recommendation for using glasses to block blue light from electronics.

Aside from its potential effects on eyesight, studies have also shown that blue light can disrupt the body’s natural production of melatonin, which tells the brain to sleep. This lack of sleep can cause health problems, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.

If you are worried about your risk of developing AMD, talk with your ophthalmologist. They will prescribe glasses to help you manage symptoms and regular eye exams. However, mirrors cannot cure the disease, and you should follow your ophthalmologist’s advice.

For some people, the effects of screen time are more severe than the effects of blue light. In these cases, they may need progressive bifocals. Also, you should make sure that your computer screen is at least 25 inches away.

Some doctors will even suggest wearing two pairs of eyeglasses. You may use one pair for distance viewing and another for near-sightedness.

They might not relieve headaches, dry eyes, or blurred vision:

If you’re looking for a way to alleviate your eyestrain, blurred vision, or headaches, consider blue light-blocking glasses. These yellow-tinted glasses filter out the light spectrum’s blue part.

However, a recent study didn’t find credible evidence that wearing these glasses reduces your symptoms. The reason they’re not effective may be because the blue light they block isn’t harmful.

The glasses do help a little with eye strain, though. A 2021 study surveyed 120 people and asked them to wear clear or blue-light-blocking glasses. After a year, the researchers couldn’t find any significant difference.

Other studies, however, have found that they do help with migraines. While some of these studies are based on uncontrolled studies, there’s evidence that they could help reduce the frequency of migraine attacks.

There are several ways to deal with dry eyes, though. You can get prescription lenses, use over-the-counter artificial tears, or change your work environment. Changes like adding more brightness, reducing reflections, or increasing humidity are all potential solutions.

In addition to these solutions, the best approach is to talk with your eye doctor about your options. Some people might need to wear eyeglasses, while others may need to try contact lenses. Contacts can cause more problems than they fix, so find out which will work best for you.

Don’t hesitate to consult your physician if experiencing these or other eye symptoms. They will be able to recommend the most effective treatments and can even prescribe medication if needed.

If you still need to figure out the blue-light-blocking glasses, you can always try the 20-20-20 rule: look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes. It should help prevent your eyes from getting tired and reduce eye irritation.

They can be a budget-friendly choice:

Reducing exposure to blue light may be a practical solution if you want to sleep better. Several studies show that too much exposure to blue light can disrupt your sleep cycle. To avoid this, limit screen time to at least four hours before bed. You can also consider wearing blocking glasses to protect your eyes from the blue light.

Blue-light-blocking glasses are a relatively new technology that can prevent exposure to blue light. The glasses can be purchased in both prescription and non-prescription forms. They come with an anti-glare coating, which blocks light reflecting from the lens. It is conducive when you are using your glasses for video calls.

When buying a pair, look for one that will offer you a good deal. Some brands include free replacements and a customer-friendly return policy. Others offer a virtual try-on option to get an idea of what you like before making a purchase.

Look Optic has a great selection of affordable blue-light-blocking glasses for budget-conscious buyers. Their products are FDA-approved. These glasses are durable and have a general warranty against breaking.

Zenni Optical offers blue-light-blocking glasses that are stylish, well-made, and affordable. Customers can order inexpensive lenses online and deliver them within a few weeks.

Warby Parker has a wide selection of sunglasses, including a range of styles with blue light-blocking lenses. The brand offers a free trial, so you can try out several pairs before making a final decision.

Another budget-friendly option is to shop at Amazon. There are thousands of frames priced starting at just a dollar. Many of these are non-prescription. A few pairs are designed to block UV rays, as well as blue light.

Other options for blue-light-blocking glasses include Uvex and Meets. Uvex glasses are typically less than $10. Though these are less stylish than other glasses, they are practical and can help you get a good night’s rest.